November 2021 Minutes

TALLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL.  Minutes of  Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 9th November, 2021.

Chairman P Sagar, Vice Chairman J Smith, Parish Councillors Brocklebank, Gash, Hassall, Mackenzie, Otter, County Councillor A. Baxter, R. Fenwick (LCC Highways), M. Moore (Anglian Water) and 10 Members of the Public were also in attendance.

MINUTES 1.       Public Forum

The problem of the volume and speed of traffic using Bainton Road was raised by John Allen which makes access to his drive dangerous.   The Highways Department had refused permission to have a mirror opposite so oncoming traffic would be more visible.   He is unable to alter the entrance to his drive.   It was suggested that a concealed entrance sign might help.


2. Opening of Meeting

Councillor Sagar welcomed everyone to the meeting and said that Anglian Water’s input would be taken first as M. Moore and R. Fenwick had another meeting to attend that evening.

3. Apologies

W. Gray, Councillors Kelham Cooke and  Rosemary Trollope-Bellew.

  1. Declaration of Interest  None. 
  2. To agree Minutes of Parish CouncilMeeting held on 14th September, 2021 Councillor Hassall proposed and Councillor Smith seconded that the minutes were a true reflection of the meeting, all in agreement.
  3. Matters arising from above minutes None not covered in Agenda.

7. Anglian Water

A £70,000 sum has been agreed between LCC and AW to bring the system in

Tallington fully back into service.   It is hoped that the work will be done before

Christmas but this is not guaranteed as it depends on co-operation from Network

Rail.   The budget has to be spent by March 22.   The new floodgates for Tennyson Cottage have been delivered and are currently being treated against rot.   The work is designed to stop the surface water system blocking up again in heavy rain.    Councillor Sagar asked if the existing deposited material in the road gullies is to be cleared.   M. Moore said yes and that the whole system was to be upgraded.   Councillor Sagar pointed out that the annual maintenance had been abysmal in the past.   It was agreed that it had not been perfect but there had not been funding for more than one overhaul a year.   This will be improved.

R. Fenwick (LCC Highways) apologised for the poor past maintenance. A new gully machine and the planned proper mapping of the system would facilitate catching up on the backlog of maintenance.   When asked who should be contacted at the County Council when problems occur he said Don Goodman.

Councillor Sagar pointed out that only one cut of verges not three had been done in the last 12 months and that the Parish Council kept being given reassurances but nothing happens.  

Councillor Otter commented that the area from Church Lane to the river had not been done.   

Councillor Mackenzie raised the leak on the main road at the corner of Mill Lane where water flows even in dry weather.   This, Councillor Sagar said, had been reported a number of times and would be dangerous now we could expect icy weather.   M. Moore said it could not be dealt with unless there was traffic light control of the traffic on the main road and was the Clean Water Department’s responsibility.   It was clarified that the government has laid down rules on main road closures.

R. Fenwick, LCC, said he would send an update on what is to happen.   There should be a process of escalation.   He had not been aware of the problems.   

It was further pointed out that the main road had not been gritted in severe weather last winter.   LCC would check this.   (Later in the meeting R. Fenwick confirmed it was still on the list.)

The failure to cut the hedge at Casewick Lane Lodge was raised.   Although Taylor Wimpey has been written to they have taken no action.   It was confirmed that the County County has powers to compel essential maintenance to be done.

8. Finance

The Parish Clerk’s salary for September/October was £365 plus expenses of £98.07 making a total of £463.07.   The meeting agreed payment of this amount.

Andrew Flatters (community cleaner) is due £157.08

Anne Knox pointed out that the dog bins had not been emptied and it was explained that the cleaner had been off sick some 10 days.

The litter picker who was doing this under the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme had done an excellent job but Andrew Flatters’s performance with reference to the Millennium Green cutting back of paths, although not his contracted work, has been disappointing.

Councillor Sagar reported that the Clerk was due an increase in salary in line with national rates.   This was approved.

An increase in the donation to the church to £600 was proposed by Councillor Sagar, seconded by Councillor Brocklebank and agreed by all.

Councillor Sagar reported that the current bank balance is £19,972.05 and that the recent increase in the population at Tallington Lakes would mean a percentage decrease in the precept per household that was frozen last year at £7,501.   At the

January meeting the budget for the coming year and the precept would need to be set.

9. Planning

The application by Tallington Lakes is the only one to be considered.   There is concern about the effect on traffic flow.   SKDC is to be written to expressing grave reservations about traffic safety if the plan is granted and the Parish Council’s surprise that there has been no consultation with them over plans to manage the increased flow of traffic.

It was agreed that Network Rail should be invited to the January meeting.  

10. Highways

Councillor Otter reminded the meeting that suggestions for the LCC Traffic Plan had to be submitted by 1st December.   Nothing below Grantham is in the current plan but the Stamford North development will have knock on effects on Tallington. A letter should be sent from the Parish Council about the bypass to keep this issue alive.

Councillor Sagar reported that the road signs had been done but it was pointed out that the footpath by the playing fields was still overgrown.   He would write again about this.

11. SKDC

The offer of bags of salt should be accepted.

12. Environment Agency

Councillor Otter reported that temporary repairs had been effected to the flap valves which are now safe.   There is no risk of flooding in the village this winter.  However,

the work is not finished.   Councillor Smith is in regular discussion with the Environment Agency.

13. Church Lane, Green Area

Councillor Brocklebank reported on the information she had obtained from Amberol whose planters would last for 30 or 40 years.   Councillor Sagar proposed a budget of £500 for 4 planters which was seconded by Councillor Brocklebank and agreed.  

Various options are to be explored.

Mrs. E. Allen asked who would cultivate the planters once installed.

14. Millennium Green - Fields in Trust Dedication

This item was carried forward to January as the clerk was absent but Councillor Sagar assured the meeting that progress is being made.

15. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration

A proposal had been received for a solar powered light on the Millennium Green.   It was decided that this matter should be put on the agenda for January and plans should be co-ordinated with the Village Hall Committee.

16. Village Hall and Playing Field Reports

 Councillor Hassall reported that quite a few bookings had been received.   The Craft Day held at the behest of Grantham and Stamford had been very successful.   A child entertainer and a band were looking to hire the hall.

The Stamford Arts Centre is looking to end face to face bookings.   

A volunteer has been doing some odd jobs and repairs.   The new shelving is up and the storage room cleared.   The zip wire still needs to be painted then padding can be added to increase the length of the side again.

A lady in the village has been organising various events - possibly a charity bingo session and a Christmas party on December 3rd.

Towers & Spires has some financial difficulties.   An effort should be made to sell the tea towels to help raise funds.

The tree near the back door has been trimmed by Richard Allen.

Councillor Mackenzie pointed out that the bushes in front of the Village Hall are overgrown.   He was promised that they would be cut back?

17. Lock Gate

Councillor Brocklebank reported that the volunteers who had been keeping this area tidy were now too old to do it.   Agreed a quote should be obtained from a professional gardener to deal with this year’s weed growth.  Councillor Gash said she would appreciate this as she has a problem with weeds growing through her fence and damaging it and causing extra work.

18.  Reports from Councillors

Councillor Otter reminded the meeting that Wednesday is Armistice Day and that a Remembrance Day service is being held in the churchyard at 12 on Sunday when donations for the British Legion would be collected.

Councillor Smith had asked that the asbestos be removed from the lay-by opposite the strawberry lay-by.   Councillor Cooke was thanked for getting this done.    It was suggested that notices saying that CCTV is in operation part time might help.   This has been done in West Deeping and has helped reduce fly tipping   It might also help if the big bins were removed and ordinary litter bins substituted.

Councillor Baxter reported that the proposed 2000 acre solar farm on the Rutland border was a matter for the Secretary of State not the local planning authority. A question was raised about the proposal to install litter bins along the river.   It was pointed out that there is very little litter problem here so not worth incurring this cost. The Police Commissioner’s representative will be invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting with reference to the precept for the police.

At 10 a.m. on 22nd November there is a meeting between SKDC and the police.

19. Millennium Green

LCC has offered to take over the footpath but because of financial constraints it is feared it will be years before they can do anything to improve the paths.

A suggestion by Councillor Mackenzie that legal opinion should be obtained to see if we could force LCC to act was voted on.   This suggestion was defeated 5 - 2. Councillor Sagar assured the meeting that we would continue our efforts to get LCC to adopt this section of footpath but at the same time seek to make repairs ourselves. John Allen confirmed that when the Trust was set up LCC had confirmed that they were happy with the new route of the path.   The meeting confirmed it is not wished for the footpath to be restored to the original route of the towpath.

Councillor Brocklebank pointed out that the project was not one the Parish Council could afford.   She had made inquiries from Breedon who were prepared to supply a lorry load of aggregate.

It was important to improve the safety of the path as cheaply as possible.   The problem section should be restored to 1.8 metres wide and the gravel offered by Breedon used.   Councillor Otter pointed out that ten inches of gravel would be needed to raise the surface.   If a trench were formed each side of the path, the clay from the bed of the canal cut through and the trench filled with gravel the rain water would drain away.   If crushed sandstone is laid on top it will make a surface that will last for 8 to 10 years.   Councillor Sagar said we need to get it done and take it from there with regard to the rest of the path.   There are various local contractors available to do the work, quotes pending.   Jon Richards suggested that only the sides of the path and a circle round the picnic table should be mown and the remainder turned to meadow and mown for hay once/twice a year as originally intended with only a small area cut for informal play.

John Allen confirmed that this would be returning to the original arrangements. It was agreed to accept the gravel, go on with widening the path and get a quote for the other work.  

It was reported that garden rubbish had been dumped by council workmen next to the footpath whilst cutting back vegetation. 

Councillor Gash asked if the chestnut tree had been inspected since the last meeting.   Councillor Otter confirmed that it is dangerous and should be removed.   She proposed it should be removed which was seconded by Councillor Otter and carried 5-2.   The Clerk should be asked to look at quotes for this. Councillor Smith also had some old quotes.

20. Date of next meeting 11th January, 2022.