January 2025

Flooding and Drainage update as at 15th January 2025.


Following the publication of the redacted version of the LCC section 19 report before Xmas (a copy of which has been posted on the Parish council website) I wrote on behalf of the parish council to the LCC Floods and water manager pointing out a number of errors/ incomplete date ranges as I reported in last month’s update. I received a reply apologising for the council not receiving an official copy of the report yet and that this would be chased up. As I write this has still not been received. I was promised that the errors would be flagged to the team and corrections made. I was also assured that as LCC go further than the Flood and Water management act stipulates and make recommendations for actions that these would then be updated once work was planned or completed through the LCC website that can be viewed via an online searchable tool that was to be updated in early January. I was also reminded that anyone affected by the flooding that have not yet been formally notified of their registration of the event can still contact FloodRisk@lincolnshire.gov.uk or phone 01522 782082. It was also stated that with the number of reports and affected properties at circa 1000 in the county in addition to over 600 near miss reports it had been a challenge working with new consultants and that lessons had been learned but that 264 investigations had now been completed and that collectively across all organisations involved the focus was on the recommendations and any mitigation measures that could be put in place. It was recognised that in Tallington the Multi Agency meetings had already resulted in action being taken over the last 12 months but it was acknowledged that there are still things to be achieved. It is though disappointing that the report did not provide any explanation as to the likely cause of the surge of water from the river bridge and dyke into the village shortly before midnight on the 3rd January.


The 8th January MAG meeting did provide some positive news on the blockage at the rail crossing. Network Rail provided a senior engineer who could answer our queries over the state of the 4 culverts under the rail tracks pertinent to Tallington along with a history of their last clearances. The 10-metre section nearest the village under the crossing is to be excavated, cleared and a section of new pipe put in to replace the old sand base, dry wall culvert and flagstone top. It is expected that this can be done end of January /early February. In the meantime, their engineer did say he would see if it was possible to power up the ‘up and under pump’ they installed w/e 23rd November rather than rely on an engineer bringing out a generator when the monitoring alarm called for it? This major work will require a road and crossing closure. At the same time LCC Highways with assistance from the Welland and Deepings drainage board plan to clear the sections of open ditch that the land owners were unable to fully clear before Xmas due to road signs and the volume of traffic.


Having now walked the length of all the ditches cleared by the land owners prior to the MAG meeting I found clear evidence of water free flowing towards and out of the cement works boundary and all the way through to Barholm – the dykes having been dredged by the landowners all the way back to Barholm and across Casewick fields.


Anglian Water have confirmed that they have cleaned out more of the surface water system throughout the Main Road during November and December. There are however 2 major remaining blockages that they have discovered through a camera survey near to Barn House and the Gables on the Main Road (as we had always suspected!). We await their plan of action for these.


LCC Highways had agreed to clear the 3 culverts under road and 2 under the gateways on Casewick Lane and St Lawrence way before Xmas. Unfortunately, Flowline sent the wrong type of vehicle and a day later than booked. This is now re scheduled for the 20th January, an earlier replacement date at the beginning of January being postponed due to the recent flooding at Greatford and elsewhere in the county. Thankfully the work already done seems to have allowed the fields to partially drain out of the village and we were spared any flooding incidents during the recent downpours.


The EA confirmed that the clearance work of trees and vegetation in the Maxey Cut continues. The new heavy duty river flap valve work will be undertaken when river levels permit. We brought to their attention some signs, as yet small of erosion next to the waterfall upstream of the bridge that they will need to attend to. The EA have still yet to complete the ‘grant in aid’ calculations based on the homes flooded. This will be presented at the next meeting. The EA large pump for the river bridge remains on stand by for speedy deployment if and when needed.


Graham from Bainton Road has again conducted a comparison review of the cost of insurance for a typical 4 bed home in Tallington. This has shown up some major pricing differences on the review he conducted last year. He has made this available via the Community ‘Whatsapp’ group. If you wish to be added to the group please advice.


The next Tallington online multi-agency meeting (MAG) is scheduled for the 11th March 2025.


Take care.   Philip. Tallington Parish council as at 15th January 2025.