March 2023 Agenda

To all Parish Councillors - You are invited to join members of the Parish Council in a meeting in the Village Hall on Tuesday March 14th 2023 commencing at approx. 7.30 p.m.



1. Public Forum

(Points may be raised on any agenda item below otherwise matters will be noted for the next Parish Council meeting or passed to the relevant authority)

2. Opening of Meeting

3. Apologies for Absence

4. Declaration of Interest

(Councillors are reminded of their obligation under the Code of Conduct to declare pecuniary interest

5. To agree minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 10th January 2023

6. Matters arising from above minutes

7. Finance - Authorisation of Payments as presented by parish clerk.

8. Planning - planning applications:

9. Mallard Pass Solar Farm – Update

10. Millennium Green - LCC Volunteer Scheme Village Hall Car Park repairs and MG top footpaths (excludes F/path no 4) work schedule starting Saturday18th March

New Contractor grass cutting update and maintenance schedule.

11. Footpath No 4. Upgrade proposal quotes and application for funding via the SKDC prosperity fund, (part of Levelling up funding) updates.

12. Trees - Tree planting scheme - partner parish councils – update.

13. Coronation Celebrations Monday May 8th. Plan of action.

14. Environment Agency - Update.

15. Reports from Councillors.

16. Village Hall and Playing Field reports.

17. May 4th Parish and District Elections. Nomination papers and schedule.

18. Public Forum.

19. Date of Next TPC Meeting: Tuesday 16th May 2023.

(Any items not discussed will be carried forward to the next meeting)