The attached plan was devised in the aftermath of severe flooding in the village in 3/4 January 2024, this was followed later on 22 February with further flooding following heavy rain.  

Recent experience has shown that the village is vulnerable to flooding from two sources:

•   Penetration and outflanking the riverbank around the bridge at Bainton Road. Much of this threat was averted in February by the timely use of the Parish Council owned 2” pump.
•   Filling and backing up of surface water drains and foul sewers mainly to the East of the village including Main Road, Mill Lane and Searson Close, amongst others. This was partially managed by the extensive use of pumps owned/rented by the Parish Council, individual residents, and external agencies (Environment Agency, Anglian Water, LCC)

The aim of this plan is to facilitate appropriate and timely action when flooding is imminent; it does not seek to prevent flooding which is pursued elsewhere with external authorities and agencies.

While it outlines the actions that will be conducted under the auspices of the Parish Council, it should be emphasised that it is hoped residents will complete their own personal flood plan and take measures to protect their homes against the threat of flooding where possible.  These might include covers for air bricks and other devices to prevent flood water entering houses – these are readily available from online sources.

It should be stressed that if the plan is to remain relevant, it should be reviewed and updated regularly - ideally each Autumn before the flood season.

It is accepted that few plans survive the opening shots, and that vigilance must be maintained and decisions made  to ensure that resources are deployed where they are most needed.






  • Joining Floodline alert system
  • Developing personal flood plans
  • Awareness of flooding potential

Acquire and maintain equipment

Recruit volunteers (Annex A)

Flood Alert



Check Flood Plan

Alert team

  • Brief
  • Allocate tasks.
  • Establish comms (whatsapp groups)

Check resources (Annex B)

  • Sandbags
  • Pumps
  • Vehicles

Village recce

Flood Warning and/or:

Dyke by bridge flooding into Church field


Drains/sewers backing up

Activate Flood Plan

Contact external agencies.

  • Environment Agency
  • Anglian Water
  • LCC
  • SKDC
  • Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue

Alert village

Assemble teams.

Request support:

  • Additional sandbags
  • Pumps

Establish sandbag dumps

Establish priorities for sandbags (Annex C)

Deploy pumps

Secure vulnerable properties



Man Village Hall (information hub)

Contact LCC/SKDC

Activate pumps.

Establish roadblocks (if required)

Check at risk properties.

Evacuate at risk properties.

Request additional resources

After Action

Ensure clean up:

  • Request SKDC support
  • Skips
  • Road cleaning
  • Recover sandbags.

Washup/lessons learned.

Update Flood Plan



Flood Response Team:
   Philip Sagar
Simon Sagar
   John Smith
John Atter
   Robert Burdock
   William Burdock
Lisa Callison
Steve Butler
Mervyn Franklin
Dan Peroo
Anita Hassall
Mark Hassall
Jacqueline Knox
Jill Hewitt
Jamie Peacock
Jay Baynes
Jon Richards
Michael Thurlby
Andy Thurlby
Will Thurlby
Jonny Newsome



•   Approx 1000
•   Stored in 2 Thurlby barns/yards

•   4x4 vehicles
o   Simon Sagar
•   Forklift tractors and farm equipment:
o   Will Thurlby
o   Andy Thurlby
o   Michael Thurlby

Information hub in Village Hall
•   Large scale map of village showing individual properties.

•   Parish Council owned:
o   4” pump (at The Golden Leaf)
o   2” pump (at the Manor House)
•   Privately owned pumps



Priority 1 – Flooded in Jan/Feb 2024 

Bainton Road:
•   Tennyson Cottage, Bainton Road
•   54 Bainton Road
•    Bainton Road
Church Lane:
•   Hawthorne Cottage
•   The Crooked Billet
Main Road:
•   Greystones, 
•   The Stables 
•   The Old Forge 
•   59 Mill Lane
•   60 Mill Lane

Priority 2 – Partially flooded and Near Miss

Main Road:
•   The Manor House 
•   Barn House Practice
•   Old Post Office 
•   Residential Home. Cellar
Mill Lane:
•   The Farmhouse, Mill Lane
Bainton Road:
•   Bridge House, 
•   Brackley House
•   The Golden Leaf
•   Hawthorne Row

Priority 3 - Partially flooded February 2024 – rising surface water
•   Manor House
•   The Granary, Searson Close
•   The Hayloft., Searson Close


•   LCC Emergency Planning 
•   01522 843406
•   01413 979363 (out of hours)

Lead Local Flood Authority
•   01522 782070
•   01522 782082 (out of hours)

Environment Agency
•   0800 80 70 60 Incident hotline)

Anglian Water
•   08457 145145/0800 771881


Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue

Village whatsapp  groups



Flood Warden: John Smith

Bainton Road, Church Lane, Herons Close:
John Atter

St Lawrence Way
   Mark & Anita Hassall

Main Road (West)

Main Road (East)
   Philip & Simon Sagar

Mill Lane
   Jay Baynes

West Road

Searson Close
   Steve Butler