January 2025 DRAFT Minutes

Tallington Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2025  

Present: Chairman Cllr P Sagar, Vice Chairman Cllr J Smith, Cllr J Brocklebank, Cllr J Knox, Cllr R Sorrell and Parish Clerk N Smith, District Cllr V Smith, District Cllr R Trollop-Bellew, 5 members of the public were also in attendance.


1. Public Forum: Nothing raised. 

2. Opening of Meeting: Cllr Sagar welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. Apologies for Absence: County Cllr A Baxter, J Atter, A Knox, S Chapman, J Scholes and M Franklin.   

4. Declaration of Interest: None.  

5. To agree minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th November 2024: Addition to #8 that Cllrs P Sagar and J Smith continue to attend the MAG meetings representing TPC.
Cllr J Brockelbank proposed, seconded Cllr Sorrel, all in agreement for minutes to be signed off.

6. Matters arising from above minutes: None

7. Update on Tallington Flooding of 3rd/4th January and 22nd February 2024: Cllr Sagar continues to produce regular updates on flooding issues and progress on agreed actions. These are circulated by email and included in the Towers and Spires magazine. All updates also available on the Parish Council website. Last update circulated via bcc email list, was as at 15th January 2025.
The council have not received an official copy of the Section 19 report. Cllr Sagar has raised this with LCC officer Matt Harrison.

8. Multi-Agency Meetings (AW, EA, NR, LCC, SKDC): At MAG meeting on 8th January a National Rail engineer gave a slide show. Excavation and replacement of pipe under railway scheduled for end Jan/Feb. ‘Up an Over’ pipe and pump are being monitored to determine when needs to be run to reduce water level in chamber.
Next LCC Floods and Water meeting is Monday 20th January. It was suggested that, although any members of public can attend, Greatford villagers should be given the chance to attend, since they have a greater need.
EA continue to do work on Maxey Cut but are now focussing their efforts upstream of Tallington road bridge.

Graham Jackson commented, he has done a further house insurance review. He raised the issue of how Insurance companies decide on the risk in a particular area. 
MP Allicia Kearns has previously said she would write to heads of the insurance companies in relation to the exorbitant premium rises.

Land owners, M Thurby and R Golland continue work on clearing dykes. Miles of dykes have been cleared since Autumn 2024 all the way back to Barholm and West Deeping.

9. Finance: Authorisation of payments as presented by the Parish Clerk:
B Burgess – Machinery service/parts            £ 190.80
J Griffin – MG full cut                        £ 155
W Burdock – MG cut                    £ 20
Double Yew Nursery – Cherry trees            £ 534
N Smith – Clerk Salary/expenses               £ 379.23

Above payments approved by Cllrs present.
25/26 Precept – after discussion of figures presented by Cllr Sagar. Amount of £9,250 was agreed for coming year - proposed by Cllr J Brocklebank, seconded by Cllr J Smith. Parish Clerk to complete Precept form and submit by 17th January.

10. Planning: S24/2170 – upgrade Radio Base Station – no objections and has been approved
                        PL/0127/24 – Allow Mineral Development prior to widening King Street – no objections.
 Cllr J Smith to contact developers to determine when further work will be done on Reading Room conversion.

11. Millennium Green path works/Footpath No. 4:  No updates.

12. Trees/flowers: 2nd stage of 12 cherry trees has been completed. Payment for Oak tree to replace the QEII tree that died received from Reading Room developer.
Clearing of undergrowth along the MG side of walls at rear of Main Road gardens in progress.
3rd stage of Lime tree planting in canal bottom planned for February.
Wild flower area to be left and see how it regenerates this year. No new seed will be sown. Cllr J Smith will arrange for ferret man to visit once all tree planting and vegetation tidy up has been completed.

13. Reports from Councilors:
 D Cllr V Smith - SKDC supported residents of Greatford who were again flooded. 
   - bin collections affected by weather.
   - Further Community Funding workshop on 23 Jan 2025
   - Lincolnshire Devolution: mayoral election due in May.
   - Greatford Quarry (PL/0127/24) only 6 months left on original planning therefore new application submitted for mineral extraction.

For further details see full report from D Cllr V Smith attached below.

New water pipeline work could restart in April 2026 when the next 5 yearly funding cycle starts.

No date for National Grid road works coming into village. Clerk to contact NG.

14. Village Hall and Playing Field reports: Hall continues to be used more. 2 Successful events held in December.

15. SK UK Shared prosperity fund: Parish Council received £3,900 from their application towards MG trees. 
Church heating application and playground wall repairs, still not confirmed. Dist Cllr V Smith to chase again. Problem has been in obtaining third quotes for both, so only able to submit 2 quotes due to speciality needed for the work for both applications. Dispensation has repeatedly been asked for but due to changes in SKDC staffing the requests have not been followed through and no response received.
16.  Public Forum: Lack of gritting on Main Road raised. There was a recent accident on Copthill section.

 17. Dates of Next TPC Meetings: Wednesday 12th March 2025, Wednesday 28th May 2025.    

Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.