March 2021 Agenda

Chair: Philip Sagar


Tallington Parish Council


Clerk: Wendy Gray

13 Dovecote


PE10 0SY

Tel: 01778 441312


To all Parish Councillors - You are invited to join members of the Parish Council in a meeting to be held remotely on Tuesday 9th March 2021 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

"Members of the public may request to attend the meeting remotely"




1. Public Forum 

(Points may be raised on any agenda item below otherwise matters will be noted for the next Parish Council meeting or passed to the relevant authority)


2. Opening of Meeting


3. Apologies for Absence


4. Declaration of Interest 

(Councillors are reminded of their obligation under the Code of Conduct to declare pecuniary interest)


5. To agree minutes of 12th January 2021.


6. Matters arising from above minutes.


7. Councillor Vacancy Co Option notice 1st March.


8. Update on new Code of Conduct as recommended by LALC.


9. Adoption on 2018 (2020 update) LALC recommended Model Standing Orders in full as distributed 11th January 21.


10. Use of Social media for Parish News. 


11. Parish Council Website.


12. Finance. 

Authorisation of Payments – Parish Clerk will present invoices for payment

LALC Model Financial Standing Orders update.  Melton Building Society.


13. Planning.

Discuss any new planning applications received.

TPC Bypass Committee.  Update on Chancellor’s Levelling Up Fund.


14. Highways.

Road Signs/Maintenance of Footpaths/Surface Water Issues/Drains in Main Road.

LCC Countryside Officer feedback on Footpaths and Bridleway.


15. West Deeping Quarries Liaison committee. Feedback on Mtg of 24th Feb 21 & Breedon mtg of 16th Feb 21. 


16. Flooding Update. Ongoing Environment Agency work.  Offer of Sand & sandbags from SKDC.  LALC response on request from Cllr Mackenzie ref maintenance of Land adjacent to Hawthorn Cottage.


17. Field in Trust Dedication (Millennium Green) – Update.


18. Millennium Green Improvements /maintenance. – Committee report. 


19. Church Lane Green Area – LCC feedback & options for dealing with it. Report


20. Proposal to Apply to Land Registry b/f 20-24 / 11 and cost thereof.


21. Village Hall Report & Playing Field.  Easter litter pick proposal.


22. Proposal to install 2 rubbish Bins next to dog bins on River.


23. Reports from Councillors


24. Public Forum


25. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 4th May 2021 via Zoom at 7.30 p.m.


(Any items not discussed will be carried forward to the next meeting)